Payment Plan for All Huda Affordable Homes

Payment Plan for All Huda Affordable Homes

Time Period for completion of project:  

All affordable housing projects would be required to be necessarily completed within four years from the approval of building plans or grant of environmental clearance, whichever is later. This date would be referred to as the date of commencement of the project and licences would not be renewed beyond four years period from the date of commencement of the project.

Possession Time: 

3 Years from the Allotment.

Payment Plan: 

On Booking 5% of total cost of flat with fully filled booking Application Form

On Allotment 20% of total cost of flat  (approximate 3-4 months after submission of  booking Application Form or 15 days after the announcement of Draw Result)

Rest 75 % is Time Link Plan
which can be done through home loan finance or from your saving.

Within 6 months of Booking 12.50% of total cost of flat 
Within 12 Months of Booking 12.50% of total cost of flat 
Within 18 Months of Booking 12.50% of total cost of flat 
Within 24 Months of Booking 12.50% of total cost of flat 
Within 30 Months of Booking 12.50% of total cost of flat 
Within 36 Months of Booking 12.50% of total cost of flat​