Draw Result of DDA Housing Scheme-2014

DDA Housing Scheme 2014 draw results announced, check whether you are lucky or not
The results for much awaited DDA Housing Scheme 2014 draw has been announced. One can check all the details related to the announced names 

One can check the details either with the help of application number or by downloading the PDF.  To check details with the help of application number here is the link: 
 The draw was held in two stages. The first phase is randomization process and the second phase will be picking of lucky numbers and the mapping of applicants. The final process of draw of lots which started at around 12 noon and is likely to be completed sson. "We started the randomisation of data at 9 AM, which took around two hours. The final draw began at around 11.30 AM which would be complete by 2 PM," the spokesperson said.